Maximise your chances of interview success
Step 1 – The Basics
- Know where the location is beforehand
- Build in extra travel time
- Arrive 5 minutes early, no more. Walk around the block if necessary
- Dress professionally and appropriately
- Introduce yourself with your name
- No limp handshakes
- Address the interviewer formally (Mr/Ms) until invited to use their first name
- Sit straight and upright, gentlemen – no spread legs
- Smile and make eye contact
Step 2 – The Interview
- Speak clearly, not too fast or too quietly
- Listen carefully to the question being asked
- If you don’t understand a question, ask for clarification
- Answer the question asked
- Do not digress
Step 3 – Enthusiasm and Confidence
- Show your interest and enthusiasm about this opportunity
- Demonstrate your abilities and confidence in yourself
Step 4 – Sell Yourself
- Make positive statements e.g. I am performance driven
- Back up your answers with facts, examples and achievements
- Don’t answer ‘What are your weaknesses’ questions by using the cliché of turning it into a positive
- Be honest, show how you learned from a weakness or mistake and the steps you took to improve/rectify
- Volunteer additional information the interviewer may not have asked about
Step 5 – Reasons for Interviewing
- Prepare your answers beforehand for this type of question
- Don’t bad mouth your current employer or job
- Focus on the positive
- Tell the interviewer why you are pursuing this position e.g. challenge, growth, promotion etc.
Step 6 – Ask Good Questions
- Show you have done your research
- Ask questions about the duties and company/employer
- Who are the people/positions you would interact with and report to?
- Are there things they want implemented or improved?
- Ask what results they expect to see at 3 months and 6 months in
- Try for 3 or 4 good questions. Be mindful of the interviewer’s time
- Ask what it will take to be successful in this position
Step 7 – Do Not
- Ask about pay or benefits in the first interview, unless asked
- Never fudge, mislead or attempt to lie – you will be found out at some point
- If you were let go from your last job, give a quick, honest answer
- Perhaps offer a reference to support you
- Do not interrupt the interviewer
- Do not try to take control of the interview
Step 8 – Closing the Interview
- Be sure to thank the interviewer for their consideration and time
- Express your genuine interest in the role
- If you wish, ask when you might expect to hear something
- Shake hands
- Follow up with a thank you note or email if appropriate.